Open Access Journal

Integrative Pediatrics

Integrative Pediatrics

Integrative Pediatrics is an international peer-reviewed journal which provides latest information on paediatric research, diagnosis and treatment of paediatric diseases and disorders, paediatric subspecialties and other related disciplines and journal is a unique platform for paediatricians and other clinicians who deals with diagnose and treatments of disorders in infants, children, adolescents.

All articles are reviewed and published by a rapid process. Please send your articles at

ISSN: 2693-8537

Editor In chief

Will be updated soon

Editorial Board

Busra Yilmaz

Faculty of Nursing
Department of Women's Health and Diseases Nursing
Istanbul University – Cerrahpasa Florence Nightingale

Chang Ming-Yuh

Pediatric Neurology
Changhua Christian Children’s Hospital

Feyza Incekoy Girgin

Pediatric Intensive Care Specialist
Ministry of Health
Marmara University
Pendik Training and Research Hospital

Sherifa Ahmed Hamed

Hospital of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Neurosurgery
Assiut University Hospitals

In Press

Will be updated soon

Publication Charges
